Summer Meadow by Sally Stafford
Image Size 600 x 600mm
Signed Giclee Print, edition limited to 300.
Summer Meadows are a subject that Sally loves. She first painted them using her Expressionist Style only a few short years back. Each meadow has a different mix of flowers and grasses, making each unique - but more than that, each day the meadows flowers open, the grasses burn, fresh green grass appears, every day is different. Sally layers her paints in a very structured way, building to a wonderful mixture that blossoms into her Summer Meadow

Cherry Blossom by Sally Stafford
Image Size 600 x 600mm
Signed Giclee Print, limited edition of 300
Orchards in Springtime in full blossom are a new subject for Sally, but one that has been bubbling as an idea for sometime. Sally is known for her flower and for her forest paintings, so it was only a matter of time before the two were combined. Cherry Blossom is something associated with the arrival of spring, and the above print has that new, fresh feeling that speaks of springtime.

Lavender Fields, Snowshill by Sally Stafford
Image size 600 x 600mm
Signed Giclee Print, limited edition of 300
My husband and I came across the lavender fields on Snowshill in full bloom last summer, somewhere we'd been meaning to visit for several years....then quite by chance we drove past and there they were. Before we had even stopped the car - I had called Sally to tell her to get here as fast as she could. A painting needed to be done!! Sally arrived the next day, it was late in the afternoon, but still very hot, the sky was heavy and muggy. The scene is very much an English lavender field - not a whiff of Provence in sight.

Ullswater by Fiona McIntyre
Image size 500 x 500mm
Signed Giclee Print, limited edition of 300
Fiona visited the Lake District with her family last summer. She spent many happy hours walking and sketching, discovering dramatic landscapes that have fuelled her creative juices. Fiona & family are on their way back there now....more places to see, more places to paint. Watch this space!!

High Cup Nick, Cumbria by Fiona McIntyre
Image size 500 x 500mm
Signed Giclee Print, limited edition of 300
Fiona and her family stayed with friends just below High Cup fact are staying with them again. They walked from the house up through this landscape, before stopping at the top to sketch. Fiona perched in yet another precarious position!!

St.Agnes Caves, Devon by Fiona McIntyre
Image Size 500 x 500mm
Signed Giclee Print, limited edition of 300
Fiona clung to the sides of the cliffs looking down into the swirling waters around St. Agnes Caves, in this position she made her sketches....not photographs, but proper watercolour sketches. Fiona's father holding onto Fiona as well as keeping a firm grip on his three year old grand-daughter. Enough to give anyone grey hairs.

Hidden Cove, South Devon by Fiona McIntyre
Image Size 500 x 500mm
Signed Giclee Print, limited edition of 300
This was painted the same summer as St.Agnes Caves, Fiona painting and sketching, her father making sure his daughter wasn't being too adventurous in her pursuit of the perfect view....and at the same time monitoring every move that a busy three year old makes. And this was supposed to be a holiday. Just before this painting holiday, Fiona had very recently lost her mother, this painting holds many dear memories for Fiona, but also for her father, it was painted in memory of her mother Dilys.

Tower Bridge, London by Ian Weatherhead
Image size 750 x 750mm
Signed Giclee Print, limited edition of 300
Ian at his best! This view across the top of Tower Bridge to the Tower of London feels as if you're up in the air....A bird's eye view!! Ian never tires of London and it's wonderful buildings, but he does seem to find very different vantage points from most other artists. Did he fly, is he in a very tall building next door.....Or has he got the most active imagination imaginable?

The Albert Hall by Ian Weatherhead
Image Size 750 x 750mm
Signed Giclee Print, limited edition of 300
Ian painted the interior of The Albert Hall some years back, an all singing, all flag waving 'Last Night of the Proms', here we see the majestic and familiar exterior of The Albert Hall. We'er peeping between the grand London buildings to the Albert Memorial, elegant and graceful sitting just across the busy road, in leafy Kensington Gardens.
For more details regarding the prints please email or call the gallery.
The above are not on view on our website just yet and are only available by email, phone or at the gallery in Cheltenham
Gallery ~ 0044 (0)1242 11 682
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